Monday 12 January 2015

Class 5-Informal letter

Informal Letter Writing

Informal letters are written to....

  • parents
  • cousins
  • relatives
  • friends
  • grandparents
are called Informal Letter.

# One can express one's thoughts and ideas freely in an informal letter.


  • Address and Date
  • Greetings and Name
  • Introduction
  • body of the letter
  • conclusion
  • signature

QUES:Write a letter to your friend, sharing your joy of having a puppy at home.

Dreams Appartments
( leave a line)
15th January,2015.
(leave a line)
Dear Mehak
I hope this letter of mine finds you in best of health and prosperity.I was elated to receive a letter from you last week.

I am very happy to share my joy with you as we got a cute puppy yesterday.He is just 2-3 weeks old and he's a pug. I have named him Boxer.When I return home from school,the first thing I do is to play with him.I love him a lot and he's the best gift I ever got.

I am sure when you will meet him ,you too will love him. Don't forget to give my regards to your parents and lots of love to your sister.
(leave a line)
Yours lovingly


At 28 February 2017 at 06:33 , Blogger Unknown said...

nice work.very helpfull

At 28 February 2017 at 06:33 , Blogger Unknown said...

nice work.very helpfull

At 21 March 2018 at 08:06 , Blogger ASBS said...

Some Examples on Informal Letters for Class 6 are here too.

At 25 October 2019 at 08:24 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thankyou for giving this

At 6 December 2019 at 08:17 , Blogger Unknown said...

Very good letter

At 5 February 2020 at 05:18 , Blogger Unknown said...

Pls send some informal letter for class 5 icsc board


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