Monday 5 January 2015



EX A1.

A1.The song takes him back to his childhood days.

A2.The child is the poet when he was very small.He would be sitting beneath a grand piano as his mother played it,taking his mother's elegant feet into in small hands and listening to the loud chords of music.

A3.The poet's heart weeps as he yarns to return to happy days of his childhood.

A4.He longs to go back to the old Sunday evening in winter when it used to snow outside and they,mother and son, used to sit in the warm comfortable indoors and sing melodious hymns with the help of the piano.

EX A2.

A1. The poet has reached adulthood, a stage in life which is related with independence of will and power of right. But he still anticipates giving all that up. He longs to go back to his childhood. He is so overcome emotionally that he throws away the ego of his manhood,breaking the unquestioned law that a man isn't supposed to show emotions by crying for his childhood.

A2.The poet who was listening to the lady singing now feels it would be futile for her to continue as he is already so affected by his childhood memories that he is just physically present ,his mind is elsewhere.Without any consideration for his adulthood,he bursts out into tears recalling his childhood years.

A3.The words 'betrays me back' show the immense struggle that the poet goes through with his own opposing longings.The need to remain firmly footed in his adulthood and the extreme longing to give up for the innocence and thrills of childhood rip him apart and he gives in to the latter.
A4.The poet shows a man experiencing nostalgia as he listens to a woman singing which reminds him of his childhood.The music brings back his childhood memories of sitting at his mother's feet while she played the piano.


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