Wednesday 26 November 2014



EX B (Pg 166)

1.The officer advised Mr.Roy not to take that road as it was being repaired.

2.The airport official said that the flights were late because of the dense fog.

3.The artist said that the paintings were not for sale.

4.Mother says that Simi is going to Delhi.

5.Tom said that Mr. Singh enjoyed good health.

6.She says that the aged in the city are insecure.

7.The architect told the owner that the carpenter had done a good job.

8.The owner of the mansion said that the building needed repair.

9.The guide said that all those who wished to go rock climbing must be on time.

10.The manager said that the chef had arrived from France.

11.The lady told her son that when Ann had been in Mumbai she often went to the Chowpatty.

12.The Principal said that the examination had been postponed.

EX C (Pg 168)

  1. The boy screamed that there was a crocodile in the water.
  2. Margie said that she was sorry.
  3. Soha told Sana that she would see her the next day.
  4. I told mother that I was going out with my friends.
  5. Father said that he was going to London that day.
  6. The girl said that she would not be able to finish her homework by that evening.
  7. Mother said that she was very busy then ,but she should be free next month.
  8. Sam said that the train was late as it had been raining since the night before.
  9. He told Rita that he was leaving for the airport then.
  10. He told his brother that he had not completed his work.
  11. My trainer told me that I should go for swimming twice a week and exercise for two hours everyday.
  12. I told him that he had been wasting his time with that course.
    EX D (PG 169)

    1. He asked the boy where his parents were.
    2. I enquired from her if she had got wet in the rain.
    3. The lawyer asked his client if he was sure he wanted to proceed with the case.
    4. The teacher enquired politely from the little girl if she wanted her to help her.
    5. The cricketer enquired from the umpire if it was time for tea.
    6. The young man asked me what he had done to deserve such bad luck.
    7. The delegate enquired where he could buy some stationery
    8. The manager asked me if I would like to change my room.I replied that I would not.
    9. The shopkeeper asked me if I would like him to deliver the goods to my residence.
    10. I enquired from my friends if I should buy the tickets for the movie.


Thursday 20 November 2014



Wednesday 19 November 2014



EX A (Pg 101)
  1. I do not watch television.
  2. She does not write neatly.
  3. Kamia is not in England.
  4. His name is not Peter.
  5. I am not ten years old.
  6. My brother does not play tennis.
  7. Jatin is not arriving tomorrow.
  8. He has not played football.
  9. It does not cost a lot of time and energy.
  10. The maid does not wash the dishes.
  11. We do not play football on Sunday.
  12. Joginder does not reach home late.
  13. Miss Latha is not teaching Maths.
  14. This house was not built by my grandfather.
  15. Ravi did not buy flowers from the florist.
    EX B (Pg 101)
     1.The dog is not under the   table.

      2. Mala is not playing indoors with her sister.

      3. This book does not belong to Kannan.

      4. The boys were jumping on the bed.

      5. They did not go home after midnight.

      6. He knows how to make tea.

      7. There are many shops in my locality.

      8. He will not be coming to the party tomorrow.

      9. He had your lunch today.

    10. They were not playing in the rain.

    EX C (Pg 102)

    1. Am I fat?
    2. Is his name Zaheer?
    3. Are they Americans?
    4. Is Maria John's sister?
    5. Is Maya at home?
    6. Does this cost a lot of money?
    7. Did Manish buy a new car?
    8. Does weather change every day?
    9. Did Lavanya play well?
    10. Was this an easy sum?
    11. Did you choose the right answer?
    12. Did Latika write a letter yesterday?
    13. Did Shiv go for a swim this morning?
      14.Do her parents do yoga every day?
       15.Was she absent from the class yesterday?

      EX D (PG 103)

      1. Did he go to a party yesterday?
      2. Does she cook well?
      3. Did Mayank lose his wallet?
      4. How happy Sreeja is!
      5. How well Susan and Jane sing!
      6. They do not watch television only on weekends.
      7. Is Peter from Germany?
      8. What a lovely cake papa has baked for Mimi!
      9. I am not very excited about our holiday plans.
      10. Is Dhruv's sister singing a song at the party?
      11. Were they buying new curtains for the house?
      12. Chennai did not host the final match between India and England.

    14. Do her parents do yoga every day?
    15. Was she absent from the class yesterday?


Friday 14 November 2014

Class 5 English Activity

Class 5 :English Activity
Draft a magazine where you can write articles, drawings etc. Make columns on Sports, Health and Fitness,Entertainment and Politics.You are free to designe in your own unique styles. You can compose stories, poems, drawings and make it a part of your magazine.Use A4 size sheet( coloured). Do not exceed more than 5 sheets. Make an attractive cover page.

DATE OF SUBMISSION: 15th December,2014

The Feast of The Semal Tree: EX A2

Ex A2.
a)'Their ' refers to the rosy pastures.

b)The semal tree's flowers are bright crimson and the starlings are rose coloured.The semal flowers grow in masses ,so it appears as if they are competing with the semal's radiant flowers.


a) The residents of honey combs.

b)The males or drones who do not work,the females that lay eggs and the workers that build the gaint combs.


a)'They' refers to the two shikaris who were resting under the semal tree .

b)The shikaris resting under the semal tree were unaware of the dozen great combs of the bees hanging from the branches.One of them lit a pipe and as the smoke from it rose up ,the bees ascended on the shikaris. The shikaris ran over a mile, chased by the bees,stung mercilessly by them until they reached to the safety of a river, where they remained for hours.

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Class 6 worksheet 'Active and Passive Voice'

Class 5 worksheet' Perfect Tenses'

Class 5 worksheet,'Present and Past Participle

Tuesday 11 November 2014


Class 7 Social Studies II UNIT TEST SYLLABUS

Lesson 6 - Towns,Traders and Craftsmen

Lesson 8 – Life in Tropical and Subtropical Region
Lesson – 5 Gender and Inequalities

Monday 10 November 2014


Paragraph Writing

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was born on 14th November, 1889. He was born in Allahabad. His father's name was Moti Lal Nehru. He went to England for his higher studies. He returned to India in 1912. Later he became a lawyer. He loved children and children called him Chacha Nehru out of love. He always wore a red rose with his dress. His birthday is celebrated as Children's Day all over India. He was the first prime minister of free India. Our country made great progress under his leadership.He died on 27th May,1964.We always remember him fondly.

Sunday 9 November 2014


A Feast in the Semal Tree

Ex A1

A1.The Murias, a forest tribe in Madhya Pradesh.The Kols and the Santals,are jungle tribes , who have developed immunity to the poison of the Big Bee.

The Murias, always plant a semal tree in the center of the site, wherever they lay down the foundation of a village.

A2.The semal is tall leafless tree covered with branches of crimson flowers in spring.It provides good shade.In summer, its seeds are covered with cotton.It loses its leaves for only a brief period in winter just before it flowers.

A3.A semal tree provides the most suitable branches for the huge nests and combs of honey bees.

A4. Semal wood is soft and most suitable for making toys. Fishermen use it to make floats for their nets. Some people make the posts around which couples walk at a marriage ceremony. Images of parrots fashioned from the semal wood are hung in marriage sheds.

A5.Farmers find it valuable because its seeds are a nourishing food for cattle. The gum from the seemal bark is used to prepare Ayurvedic medicines.

A6.A semal tree is a favourite haunt for crows, mynas ,barbets, bulbuls and koels. They come for the nector, seeds or because the soft wood can be easily hollowed out for a nesting site.

Thursday 6 November 2014


Class 5 English
II Unit Test Syllabus


Lesson 12 -'Jagadish Chandra Bose'
Lesson 13 -'Leisure' (poem)


Lesson15 - Present and Past Participle
Lesson18 - Perfect Tenses:Present and Past Perfect
Lesson26 – Interjections
Aster Pg 74 Similes

Composition: Paragraph Writing.( any important personality)