Sunday 7 February 2016

Class 5-Revision 3:L-14

Revision 3
Conserving Our Environment

I.Give one word for the following:

1.To make impure or unclean-contamination
2.The contamination of the environment by the discharge of harmful substances-pollution
3.Things that can rot or be decomposed by biologic agents like bacteria-biodegradable
4.Waste that rot and is used for manure for plants-compost
5.Planting of trees-aforestation
6.Cutting of trees-deforestation

II.Fill ups:
1.Walking short distances reduces air pollution.
2.We can reduce pollution by burning less fuels.
3.Trees take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen.
4.Biodegradable waste can be used to help the environment.
5.The process by which waste is converted into manure is called compost.
III.Match the following:
1.Air pollution
4. paper and leaves
2.Land pollution
1. burning petrol
3.Water pollution
2. fertilizers
5. plastic
3. sewage from factories

IV.Write True or False:
1.When you use a plastic bottle to store water in the refrigrator you are reusing the bottle.__
2.Trees take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen.__
3.When waste is not disposed properly,germs and diseases spread.__
4.Water pollution affects plants and animals living in water.__
5.Glass pieces found in the waste will not rot over time.__
6.Everything around us makes up our environment.__
7.Burning of fuel causes air pollution.__
8.Waste paper is biodegradable.__
9.Rotting of leaves can produce manure called compost.__
10.Cutting of trees is called aforestation.__


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