Sunday 9 November 2014


A Feast in the Semal Tree

Ex A1

A1.The Murias, a forest tribe in Madhya Pradesh.The Kols and the Santals,are jungle tribes , who have developed immunity to the poison of the Big Bee.

The Murias, always plant a semal tree in the center of the site, wherever they lay down the foundation of a village.

A2.The semal is tall leafless tree covered with branches of crimson flowers in spring.It provides good shade.In summer, its seeds are covered with cotton.It loses its leaves for only a brief period in winter just before it flowers.

A3.A semal tree provides the most suitable branches for the huge nests and combs of honey bees.

A4. Semal wood is soft and most suitable for making toys. Fishermen use it to make floats for their nets. Some people make the posts around which couples walk at a marriage ceremony. Images of parrots fashioned from the semal wood are hung in marriage sheds.

A5.Farmers find it valuable because its seeds are a nourishing food for cattle. The gum from the seemal bark is used to prepare Ayurvedic medicines.

A6.A semal tree is a favourite haunt for crows, mynas ,barbets, bulbuls and koels. They come for the nector, seeds or because the soft wood can be easily hollowed out for a nesting site.


At 26 August 2015 at 02:20 , Blogger Unknown said...

I want the answer of the poem the lion by Conrad

At 26 August 2015 at 02:21 , Blogger Unknown said...

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At 29 October 2018 at 21:16 , Blogger Unknown said...

Why is the lesson called ' A Feast in the Semal Tree'?

At 6 October 2021 at 08:45 , Blogger Unknown said...



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