Wednesday 26 November 2014



EX B (Pg 166)

1.The officer advised Mr.Roy not to take that road as it was being repaired.

2.The airport official said that the flights were late because of the dense fog.

3.The artist said that the paintings were not for sale.

4.Mother says that Simi is going to Delhi.

5.Tom said that Mr. Singh enjoyed good health.

6.She says that the aged in the city are insecure.

7.The architect told the owner that the carpenter had done a good job.

8.The owner of the mansion said that the building needed repair.

9.The guide said that all those who wished to go rock climbing must be on time.

10.The manager said that the chef had arrived from France.

11.The lady told her son that when Ann had been in Mumbai she often went to the Chowpatty.

12.The Principal said that the examination had been postponed.

EX C (Pg 168)

  1. The boy screamed that there was a crocodile in the water.
  2. Margie said that she was sorry.
  3. Soha told Sana that she would see her the next day.
  4. I told mother that I was going out with my friends.
  5. Father said that he was going to London that day.
  6. The girl said that she would not be able to finish her homework by that evening.
  7. Mother said that she was very busy then ,but she should be free next month.
  8. Sam said that the train was late as it had been raining since the night before.
  9. He told Rita that he was leaving for the airport then.
  10. He told his brother that he had not completed his work.
  11. My trainer told me that I should go for swimming twice a week and exercise for two hours everyday.
  12. I told him that he had been wasting his time with that course.
    EX D (PG 169)

    1. He asked the boy where his parents were.
    2. I enquired from her if she had got wet in the rain.
    3. The lawyer asked his client if he was sure he wanted to proceed with the case.
    4. The teacher enquired politely from the little girl if she wanted her to help her.
    5. The cricketer enquired from the umpire if it was time for tea.
    6. The young man asked me what he had done to deserve such bad luck.
    7. The delegate enquired where he could buy some stationery
    8. The manager asked me if I would like to change my room.I replied that I would not.
    9. The shopkeeper asked me if I would like him to deliver the goods to my residence.
    10. I enquired from my friends if I should buy the tickets for the movie.



At 5 December 2019 at 09:09 , Blogger Unknown said...

You are awesome and thankyou so much
is there your app in Google play or play store.

At 19 March 2020 at 01:19 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you so much. This has saved our lot of time and it is really very helpful for us.

At 15 September 2021 at 00:38 , Blogger Unknown said...

Can you write the answer sister .

At 1 March 2022 at 21:53 , Blogger Unknown said...



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