Sunday 7 February 2016

Class 5-Revision 3:L-14

Revision 3
Conserving Our Environment

I.Give one word for the following:

1.To make impure or unclean-contamination
2.The contamination of the environment by the discharge of harmful substances-pollution
3.Things that can rot or be decomposed by biologic agents like bacteria-biodegradable
4.Waste that rot and is used for manure for plants-compost
5.Planting of trees-aforestation
6.Cutting of trees-deforestation

II.Fill ups:
1.Walking short distances reduces air pollution.
2.We can reduce pollution by burning less fuels.
3.Trees take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen.
4.Biodegradable waste can be used to help the environment.
5.The process by which waste is converted into manure is called compost.
III.Match the following:
1.Air pollution
4. paper and leaves
2.Land pollution
1. burning petrol
3.Water pollution
2. fertilizers
5. plastic
3. sewage from factories

IV.Write True or False:
1.When you use a plastic bottle to store water in the refrigrator you are reusing the bottle.__
2.Trees take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen.__
3.When waste is not disposed properly,germs and diseases spread.__
4.Water pollution affects plants and animals living in water.__
5.Glass pieces found in the waste will not rot over time.__
6.Everything around us makes up our environment.__
7.Burning of fuel causes air pollution.__
8.Waste paper is biodegradable.__
9.Rotting of leaves can produce manure called compost.__
10.Cutting of trees is called aforestation.__

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Class 5 Revision L-8 Grasslands

Revision 2
L-8 Grasslands of the Temperate Zone
I. Name the continents where these grasslands are found

1.Prairies- North America
2.Steppes- Russia(Asia)
3.Pampas- South America
4.Veld- South Africa
5.Downs- Australia
6.Savannas- Central Africa

II.Fill ups:
1.Grasslands are natural habitats that are not planted by people.
2.Prairies in French means meadows or grasslands
3.Temperate Zone lies between 23.1/2N and 66.1/2N
4.Prairies were the grazing grounds for millions of bisons.
5.This region produces a lot of wheat that it is also called wheat basket of the world.
6.Two rivers that flow through Prairies are Mississippi and Missouri.
7.Large farms where cows,horses or sheep are reared are called ranches.
8.The Prairies have hot summers and cold winters.
9.Towards the west of Prairies the grasslands are used to rear cattle.
10.Most of the grasslands lie in Temperate Zone.

Tuesday 2 February 2016

class 6-S.St.-Map work for Final Exams

Places to be tested for the Final Exam
1.Karakoram Range
2.The Himalayas
3.Northern Plains
4.Great Indian Desert
5.Malwa Plateau
6.Chota Nagpur Plateau
7.Rann of Kachchh
8.Deccan Plateau
9.Western Ghats
10.Eastern Ghats
11.Arabian Sea
12.Indian Ocean
13.Bay of Bengal
14.Aravali Range
15.Narmada river

class 5 revision 1-Saudi Arabia

Revision 1.
L-7 Saudi Arabia

I.Fill ups
1.A peninsula is a piece of land jutting out into the sea.
2.The Arabian peninsula is the largest peninsula in the world.
3.The capital of Saudi Arabia is Riyadh
4.Two important Muslim religious centers in Saudi Arabia are Mecca,Medina.
5.Small hills of sand that keep shifting due to strong winds are called sand dunes.
6.The Tropic of Cancer passes through the middle of Saudi Arabia.
7.Name some plants that can withstand the hot and dry conditions of Saudi Arabia.cacti,short shrubs.
8.Name two crops grown in the oasis of Saudi Arabia wheat ,barley
9.Saudi Arabia is the second largest producer of petroleum after Russia.
10.Name two modern cities of Saudi Arabia Riyadh,Jeddah.
11.Nomadic arabs living in the desert in tents are called Bedouins_.
12.Saudi Arabia is an Islamic state.
13.Saudi Arabia is a rich country because of vast deposits of petroleum.
14.Fertile areas formed in the desert by underground water is called an oasis
15.Women cover their head and body with the traditional dress called an Abaya.

Monday 1 February 2016