Thursday 30 October 2014



EX A1.
A1.Life can be hectic sometimes.It is so full of worry that it does not allow us any time to simply stand and watch the world go by.

A 2. Sheep and cows that can be often seen standing in the vast open fields and staring into a distance,no time to stand under the branches of trees and keep staring into space. There is no time to turn at the glance of a beautiful girl and marvel at her feet. These are some of the delights we miss in our busy life.

A3.The poet wants to say that we have come away from nature, we should use our free time to notice the beautiful things around us and expand our mind with the beauty of nature.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Class - 7 Towns Traders and Craftsmen

Class- 6 New Religious Ideas

Monday 20 October 2014

Perfect tenses: Present and Past


EX G. (Pg 93) Answers:
1.Mrs. Khanna had taught them music and crocheting.

2.Grandma has cleaned the kitchen thoroughly.

3.She had stitched new clothes for her grandchildren.

4.The children have eaten their breakfast.

5.Dr Abbas had addressed his team before the event.

6.Mr Kumaran has gone to America for a month.

7.It has rained in the eastern parts of the country.

8.We had eaten the sandwiches.
9.They have left for Bangalore.

10.The KalkaMail had arrived on time.

11.The postman has delivered our mail.

12. I had climed up the ladder

13.I have checked my mail.

14.Many athletes had participated in the London Olympics.

15.He had helped the old lady cross the street.

16. Timothy has run around the track once.

Sunday 19 October 2014


EX A1.
A1.The Queen is the speaker.In the first three verses the mood is of joy and happiness.The poet paints a scene where the queen is eagerly waiting for the victorious return of the king.She imagines great celebrations in his honour. The sounds of trumpets and shouts of victory fill the air.

A2.In the fourth verse the queen is upset and ashamed of her husband's defeat.She refuses to accept her cowardly husband.Instead of trophies and victorious crowds she sees defeated warriors returning. She orders the gates to be closed and not to let the king enter.She wants to be left alone to mourn the defeat and her husband's cowardly behaviour.

A3.The queen is in a state of disbelief and refuses to acknowledge her husband.She feels he has dishonoured her love and made it ignoble by fleeing like a coward from the battlefield.

A4.According to the queen a king should die like a martyr and not live as a coward.He should fight the enemy bravely and meet a glorious death rather than live in shame

A5.The king has returned defeated. He has brought shame to his people. He has failed to perform his duty of protecting his kingdom. So the queen refuses to acknowledge him.

EX A2.
a) The speaker is the queen.

b) The queen feels insulted to see the humiliated and defeated army returning from the battlefield.

C) The vision being talked about is that of the king and his army returning victorious with their flags fluttering in the strong wind. However the actual sight is of a defeated army returning in disgrace.

a) The queen is referring to the defeat of her husband.

b)The figure of speech used is a metaphor- the mountain stream(torrent) has been compared to the human soul which once undertakes a journey to glory has to press on and can never return.

c) The stanza here means that a warrior who has gone to the battle should return victorious or die a warrior's death on the battlefield.

Monday 13 October 2014

class 5 Jagadish Chandra Bose extra questions

Ex A3.
Q1. When was Jagadish Chandra Bose born?Where was he born?
A1.Jagadish Chandra Bose was born on 30 November 1858 in Mymensingh,( now in Bangladesh).

Q2.What kind of person was Jagadish Chandra as a boy?
A2. As a boy he was full of questions. He wanted to know everything that happened around him.

Q3.What did Bose discover about plants?
A3. Through experiments, Bose explained that plants are living beings and respond to stimuli.

Q4.Why did Bose never accept money for his inventions?
A4 Bose never accepted money for his inventions as he felt that knowledge cannot be anyone's personal property.

Friday 10 October 2014

class 7 'Gender and Inequality'

Thursday 9 October 2014

Jagadish Chandra Bose

Jagadish Chandra Bose
a)These words were spoken by Jagadish Chandra Bose.

b) He said this while inaugurating the Bose Research Institute in Kolkata.

c)These words tell us how dedicated Bose was to his chosen field of work,science and how deeply he respected scientific research.

a)Jagadish Chandra Bose was the 'born' scientist.

b) From an early age ,the boy was full of questions;he was curious about everything.
c) Bose was a pioneer in the field of wireless technology, which eventually led to the invention of the radio. Through experiments he explained that plants are living beings and respond to stimuli.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Jagadish Chandra Bose

Eureka Ex A3

A1. King Hiero ruled over a small kingdom. For this reason he wanted the biggest crown in the world.

A2. The king was very pleased with the goldsmith because he made a beautiful crown and all who saw it said that it had not its equal in the world.

A3. Archimedes took great delight in working out hard problems and when any question puzzled him he would keep studying until he found some sort of answer to it.