Monday 29 September 2014

Class 6 "Eureka"

Ex A1.Answer the following questions:

A1.Hiero was the king of Syracuse. He wanted the biggest and the most beautiful crown in the world.

A2.He called the goldsmith to fashion the crown that would make every other king want to possess it.For this he gave him ten pounds of pure gold.

A3.He instructed him to be sure to put every grain of gold and not to use any other metal with it.

A4. Archimedes was a very wise man in the king's court.He was suspicious of the quality of the gold. It was a brilliant yellow. It did not have the same rich red colour as the lump of gold given to him by the king.

A5.The challenge before him was to invent a method to measure the purity of the gold used to make the crown without doing harm to it.

Q6.What did Archimedes discover as he stepped into the bathtub?
A6.Archimedes discovered that he had displaced a bulk of water equal to the bulk of his body.

Q7.How was the goldsmith's guilt proved?
A7. The goldsmith's guilt was proved when the crown was found to displace much more water than ten pounds of pure gold had displaced.

EX A2.
a)The king put on his head his new crown.

b) A famous goldsmith had made it in ninety days.

c)The crown was very big and bulky as the goldsmith had mixed some other metal in it.
d)He did not mind the discomfort because he was sure that no other king had such an exquisitely crafted headpiece.

a) Archimedes said these words to the king Hiero.
b)The speaker did not know of any method to test the  gold used in making the king's crown 
a) Whenever  Archimedes stepped into the bath tub some quantity of water would flow out upon the stone floor,this was the similar thing.
b) Archimedes realized that certain weight of a heavy thing will displace less water than lighter things of the same weight. So he tested the king's crown. When it was put in the tub of water it displaced more water than ten pound of gold did. This indicated that another metal ,silver had been mixed with gold in making the crown.  


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